About Me

After years of pouring over the tattered pages of Inc, Magazine and Fast Company, I have come to realize that the companies that I admire most all abide by a singular principle: No’ is just another word for ‘try harder.’

Uber exemplifies this principle. The entrenched oligopoly in D.C. proposes a law requiring a $15 minimum fare?

Rally your Twitter base to block it.

The California Public Utilities Commission says that you’re operating an unlicensed limousine dispatch?

Change your name and prove them wrong.


It’s this spirit of perseverance that makes Uber such a remarkably impactful company; a company that simultaneously makes our cities more efficient and meaningfully improves the lives of drivers and commuters in 31 countries.

I admire Uber's tenacity because I too am a die hard hustler with no time to fall in line with the status quo. After seeing your ‘Community Manager’ position, I knew I had to write.

Beyond my record of professional and educational excellence, I believe that I am uniquely poised to join the Uber team for a few pretty big reasons:

  • I am a creative extrovert with a knack for creating explosive brand awareness and establishing powerhouse partnerships.
  • I’m fluent in the language of marketing. Developing and monitoring metrics for multi-platform marketing campaigns is my forte.
  • I believe in the great work that Uber does in our communities and I will work tirelessly to make Uber a ‘love brand’ across the globe.

For even more information on how my background, skills, personality and work ethic will immediately benefit Uber, please continue to explore my personally curated portfolio at www.everyonesprivatedriver.com

Choice is a beautiful thing, and I hope you'll choose me.

With plenty of gratitude,

Sarah West Young